Scrivener 3 edit character list
Scrivener 3 edit character list

If you’re not compiling for final output in Scrivener, this workflow may not be for you.

  • You’re not going to use Scrivener’s compiler.
  • If most of your work is straightforward prose, and you like it that way, this may be the workflow you’re looking for. Maybe you use a bulleted list of your acknowledgements in the back pages, or a table of… something in your preface, with a modest title page and an illustration or 3 and that’s about it.
  • You do most of your work in simple prose.
  • If you’d much rather have your project on iCloud Drive than Dropbox, yet be able to edit on iOS without copying the project, this may be the workflow you’re looking for.

    scrivener 3 edit character list

    If you love Scrivener organisation tools (Corkboard! Outliner! Scrivenings!) or Scrivener’s output flexibility, but hate its editor, this may be the workflow you’re looking for.

  • You much prefer Markdown-style editing to Rich Text (WYSIWYG) editing.
  • Others features will leave your project forever. In some cases, you can add these back after you’ve finished your first draft and have moved on to working with beta readers, editors, professors, publishers, etc. You’ll have to mentally “forget about” certain Scrivener features that cause a lot of friction going back and forth with Ulysses. You’ll need a new attitude towards using Scrivener if using iOS Ulysses as editor is to work well for you. No matter how much you do in Ulysses, there will be a lot that you still need to do in Scrivener Scrivener has far more robust organising tools, and Scrivener’s compiler provides customisable output not possible from Ulysses. You’re going to learn to work with Scrivener projects in Scrivener while keeping (eventual) editing with iOS Ulysses in mind.


    (Sadly, Mac Scrivener itself will need a “stop everything” sync, but you won’t have to start it and it will go by fast.) Still interested? Read on. But-it involves changing the way you use Scrivener, and effort to adapt your existing Scrivener projects. Well, dear reader, you can! You can have Scrivener and Ulysses sync with either an iCloud Drive-based sync, or a Dropbox-based sync.

    scrivener 3 edit character list

    After all, you don’t get full-up Scrivener on iOS, anyway… You look at iOS Ulysses with its slick interface and wonder why you can’t just use it to edit your Scrivener project. You may or may not loathe Dropbox, but you’re definitely frustrated by iOS Scrivener’s “stop everything” sync. So you’re frustrated by iOS Scrivener’s limitations compared to Mac Scrivener 3, and by its old-fashioned (by iOS standards) interface.

    scrivener 3 edit character list

  • Part 5: Aeon Timeline-Scrivener-Ulysses Workflow.
  • Part 4: Dealing With Scrivener Metadata.
  • Part 2: Prepping Your Existing Scrivener Project.
  • Scrivener and Ulysses CAN get along Articles in this series:

    Scrivener 3 edit character list